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About Journey Pastoral Coaching
D. Alan Baker is the founder and president of Journey Pastoral Coaching, LLC in Orlando, FL. After 43 years of pastoral, missions and educational ministry, he now devotes his life to building cutting-edge Millennial ministers for a lifetime of healthy and effective ministry.
151Feb 1, 2019
Editor’s Note: In January, the state of New York passed legislation permitting full-term abortion. The lighting of NYC buildings and the video of the Super Bowl style celebrations shocked many, even some in the pro-choice crowd who have advocated for “safe and rare” abortions. In the state of New York, a child can now legally be killed […]
152Jan 16, 2019
At Journey Pastoral Coaching we focus first on the minister, second on the ministry; first on being and then on doing. Being leads to doing. Therefore, as we give our attention to building the minister, we naturally build the ministry, and we do so for a lifetime of healthy and effective ministry. This is pastoral coaching. Still, many are confused by […]
153Dec 15, 2018
As the year ends, we offer our list of favorite reads for 2018. This is not a list of books published in 2018, but books read in 2018 whatever the publishing year. If a book is on this list, I recommend you give it a read this coming year. In 2018 we read a number of […]
154Dec 1, 2018
This is the second in a two-part series on a recent Journey study in which we asked young ministers to predict the future of the church. The question we posed was a simple one: “What major changes do you see coming to the church? Time frame: the next 5 years.” Negative vs Postive Changes Respondents […]
155Nov 14, 2018
How Did He Do THAT? I remember years ago sitting in a meeting room in Bled, Slovenia (see the picture) with a group of missionary pastors from across the Continent as our executive director talked to us about the future of Europe. In some detail he told us that Europe’s future would be determined and […]
156Nov 1, 2018
In our most recent blog post we presented the results of a Journey survey in which we asked young ministers to identify the “magic wand” changes they would make in the church if they had the power to do so, the changes they see as most necessary and significant. In that post (October 15, 2018) […]
157Oct 13, 2018
Journey surveys our members every month asking young ministers to “coach the coach” with their thoughts on discipleship, the ministry, the church, and culture. It’s one critical way our members EARN pastoral coaching rather than PAY for it. The insights given are invaluable. From time to time we open those surveys to non-members (but still young […]
158Sep 30, 2018
A “Chance” Meeting Several years ago, my wife and I had the opportunity to visit San Diego, California. We loved our time there, discovering that its reputation as one of America’s most beautiful cities is well deserved. One day we went downtown to see the city on foot, a custom we came to appreciate during […]
159Sep 15, 2018
As a missionary to Europe I visited Switzerland many times, vacationing and ministering there. It remains my choice as the most beautiful place on earth. It is also among the most influential in my life as a Christian and pastoral coach. The story begins with a chalet in the western Swiss canton of Vaud near […]
160Sep 1, 2018
One of the complaints often lodged against each new generation of ministers is its ignorance of church history: for many young ministers, church history begins the day of their credentialing or with their first ministry position. It was true in my own life. When I was a young minister, though I was a history buff […]
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