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Entries by Journey Pastoral Coaching
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About Journey Pastoral Coaching
D. Alan Baker is the founder and president of Journey Pastoral Coaching, LLC in Orlando, FL. After 43 years of pastoral, missions and educational ministry, he now devotes his life to building cutting-edge Millennial ministers for a lifetime of healthy and effective ministry.
71Feb 15, 2022
INTRODUCTION In my previous article, I identified two foundational challenges for the church: Reality and Community. We are weak and weakening in both. And the prospects are not promising. Concerning the Church and Reality: Studies reveal the following statistics about the Evangelical Church (see part one for more): 79% of Evangelicals do not have a […]
72Feb 1, 2022
All indications say 2022 will be another challenging year for the American church. That means it will be another challenging year for those who lead the church. If we’re going to navigate it in strength, it will require not 20/20 rose-colored glasses, but 22/22 lenses. What are 22/22 lenses? They are lenses that see deeper […]
73Jan 15, 2022
Editor’s Note: Journey is pleased to announce our new resource, “Pensées: A 40-Day Devotional for Pastors,” will be released this month, January 2022. Every day at Journey we post a devotion for our member-ministers, an inspiring “pensée” to begin their day. Written by a pastor-of-pastors, it’s an encouraging or even challenging thought on which shepherds […]
74Jan 1, 2022
A 40-Day Devotional for Pastors Editor’s Note: Journey is pleased to announce our new resource, “Pensées: A 40-Day Devotional for Pastors,” will be released this month, January 2022. Every day at Journey we post a devotion for our member-ministers, an inspiring “pensée” to begin their day. Written by a pastor-of-pastors, it’s an encouraging or even […]
75Dec 15, 2021
As we turn the final pages of 2021, I once again offer my list of favorite reads for the year. As always, this is not a list of my favorite books published in 2021, but books read in 2021, whatever the publishing year. If a book is on the best of list, I recommend you […]
76Dec 1, 2021
I am a pastoral coach. I have the joy of pastoring young pastors every day, all day, pastors of all kinds: lead pastors, church planters, staff pastors, missionary pastors, and even pastors of pastors. I love what I am called to do with my life because I love pastors, and I love and greatly respect […]
77Nov 15, 2021
When I left pastoral ministry to become a missionary, a few pastoral colleagues told me I’d “left the ministry.” Their thinking was that pastoring is “real” ministry, while missions is less than ministry. It’s difficult to believe people can think like this, but some do. But even my denomination unknowingly reinforces this idea. For decades […]
78Nov 1, 2021
So the pulpit search committee has contacted you, Pastor, and wants to sit down for a formal interview. How do you do to prepare for the meeting? Every pastoral candidate is prepared to answer questions, but are you prepared to ask them? Neglecting this critical aspect of the interview process is a recipe for disaster. […]
79Oct 15, 2021
This is the second of a two-part October series. October is Pastor Appreciation Month, so it seems fitting to celebrate all of the quality ministers who make up this coaching community and make it what it is: the mutual investment ministry that is Journey Pastoral Coaching. Journey Pastoral Coaching is a missional community. We are […]
80Oct 1, 2021
Journey Pastoral Coaching is a missional community. No, we are not a community whose members live and work together in the same locale. But we are definitely a community and we definitely work together in a shared mission. We are missional community doing life and ministry together. Every month at Journey, we ask our members […]
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