By Journey Pastoral Coaching
April 15, 2021
Not a Tame Lion
In the Easter season we look to, meditate on, and celebrate three of the four most important days in history: the death of Jesus Christ, the day of silence between the Cross and the Resurrection, and the Resurrection. The fourth is the birth of Jesus Christ, God incarnate, come to redeem and restore. During the season of Good Friday and Resurrection Day we give even greater focus than normal to the One who is ever...This is The Way
In the TV series, The Mandalorian, the title character and those of his kind are readily identified not only by their distinctive armor of protection but by the way they live. Some would identify their way of life as a set of rules or a code. But these words are insufficient in that they define the Mandalorian by forces external to him or her. The Way of the Mandalore is much more. The Way is...U40 Ministers: How Will the Church Best & Least Shine in 2021?
This article is the second in a two-part series focused on the ministry of the church in 2020 and 2021, as seen through the eyes of U40 ministers (ministers under 40 years of age). In our previous article, we reported the result of a survey in which we asked U40s to tell us how the church least and best shined in 2020. You can click here to read the results of that survey. In this article, we...U40 MINISTERS WEIGH IN: HOW DID THE CHURCH BEST & LEAST SHINE IN 2020
Journey Pastoral Coaching surveyed U40 ministers (ministers under 40 years of age) on the health of the American evangelical church and its pastors. In a two-part study, we asked them to reflect on the health of the Church in 2020 and then project ahead on the health of the Church in 2021. You can click and read the results in these two articles: U40 Ministers Reflect on 2020 U40 Ministers Project Ahead for 2021 In...Where Have You Gone, Martin Niemöller? A Nation Turns Its Lonely Eyes to You.
“First they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out,Because I was not a Communist.Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out,Because I was not a Trade Unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out,Because I was not a Jew.Then they came for me, And there was no one left to speak for me.” THE POET & THE PARTY Martin Niemöller lived in Germany...JPC SURVEY: PASTORS REFLECT ON 2020, PROJECT INTO 2021 – PART TWO
During December, Journey asked pastors, their spouses, and ministers who work directly with pastors to reflect and project: reflect on the health and strength of the church and pastors in 2020; project the health and strength of each in 2021. We asked respondents to consider the American Evangelical church as a whole rather than their own local churches or international denominations. In today’s article, we present the results of part two of our survey in...
By Journey Pastoral Coaching
January 12, 2021
INTRODUCTION During December, Journey asked pastors, their spouses, and ministers who work with pastors to reflect and project: reflect on the health and strength of the church and pastors in 2020; project the health and strength of each in 2021. We asked respondents to consider the American Evangelical church as a whole rather than their own local churches or international denominations. In today’s article, we present the results of part one of our survey in...
By Journey Pastoral Coaching
January 1, 2021
Journey’s Best Reads of 2020
As 2020 comes to a close, we offer this list of favorite reads for the year. As always, this is not a list of favorite books published in 2020, but books read in 2020, whatever the publishing year. If a book is on the best of list, I recommend you give it a read in 2021. In 2020, as is usually the case, I read a number of good books, a few great books, some why-the-big-deal books, and a couple...A Christmas Wish List for Pastors
I am a pastoral coach. I have the joy of pastoring young pastors every day, all day, pastors of all kinds: lead pastors, church planters, staff pastors, missionary pastors, and even pastors-of-pastors. I love what I am called to do with my life because I love pastors and I love and greatly respect every one whose journey I am privileged to share. Many years of pastoring churches and other pastors has taught me much about...Recent Tweets
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