Journey’s 2019 Pastors’ Christmas List – Part I
When we were children, we carefully wrote our Christmas wish lists. Some of us even kept lists throughout the year. As Christmas approached, we would share them with our parents, telling them, “If I could just have these gifts I’d be happy for the rest of my life!” At eight years of age, I remember saying, “If Santa would just being me this G.I. Joe and a Stingray set up for my bike, I wouldn’t ever ask...A Word From JPC Members
At Journey, this November means two great occasions: 1. Thanksgiving: the opportunity to reflect on the blessings of God in our lives and thank Him. As we like to say at Journey, we thank God for the grace He gives us directly and indirectly: grace direct from His heart to us; grace given by Him to us through others. Direct and indirect, we have so much to be thankful for: eternal life, abundant life, precious promises, and people. ...Built to Last
This month, Journey Pastoral Coaching turns not five years old, but five years strong. It’s hard to believe, but as of this month, Journey celebrates FIVE years of ministry to U40 ministers across America and overseas. We truly thank God for all He has done, not just in giving us these five years, but in giving us a thriving five years: God has done and is doing great things in and through Journey. Five years ago, some told us JPC wouldn'tlast...
By Journey Pastoral Coaching
November 1, 2019
A Pastor of Pastors Remembers His Pastors
October is Pastor appreciation month, a month when we make a special effort as churches and individuals to thank our pastors for their ministry to us as undershepherds of Jesus Christ. Every Christian's life is meant to be a parable of Jesus. But pastors are particularly suited to this because so much of our lives are spent doing what Jesus did in His life. An adequate definition of pastoral ministry emphasizes following Jesus as the act...
By Journey Pastoral Coaching
October 15, 2019
U40 Influencers
INTRODUCTION TO THE SURVEY Recently we asked U40ministers to name the individuals who have been the most positive influencers in their life. We asked them two questions: 1. “Who has had the most positive influence on your life? (Excluding wife or husband). 2. “In one or two sentences, how did this person so positively influence you?” Journey offered the following list of influencers from which respondents could select. Respondents were permitted to select one to three influencers:...
By Journey Pastoral Coaching
October 1, 2019
The iBible
The Bible You've Been Looking For! EDITOR: Unknown to many, Journey Pastoral Coaching has a small group of theologians who gather from time to time to discuss recent releases in theological works. They recently came across a new work they thought worthy of not only private discussion but of public commentary. They requested the privilege of posting that commentary or review here on the Journey website, and we have agreed to their request. They have chosen to...Apostate Apostles
The recent news of young Christian leaders who are renouncing their faith in the Crucified and Risen Savior is troubling, to say the very least. It is troubling for at least three reasons: 1. The damage these denials do to those who are young in the faith; 2. As leaders in the church, their faith lacked the foundation of Jesus Christ. Their ministries were instead built on one of two false floors: at best, an immature faith in...
By Journey Pastoral Coaching
September 5, 2019
Editor’s Note: Journey is pleased to announce that our new resource for pastors, “When the Call Comes: A Pastor’s Guide to Funerals” has just been released. This book (paper and ebook formats) helps ministers prepare themselves to walk with families in grief – from the moment the call comes informing the pastor that a death has occurred all the way through to the final “Amen” of the graveside service. Two weeks ago, the Journey blog...When The Call Comes
Sharing the Journey With Those Who Mourn Editor's Note: Journey is pleased to announce that our new resource for pastors, "When the Call Comes: A Pastor's Guide to Funerals" has just been released. This 232-page book (paper and ebook formats) helps ministers prepare themselves to walk with families in grief - from the moment the call comes informing the pastor that a death has occurred all the way through to the final "Amen" of the...
By Journey Pastoral Coaching
August 1, 2019
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