Block The Exits! Pastors Heading for the Doors!
In March 2023, The Barna Group reported the following: “New Barna data shows that pastors’ confidence and satisfaction in their vocation has decreased significantly in the past few years, and two in five (41%) say they’ve considered quitting ministry in the last 12 months.” (Source: Excerpt: A Rapid Decline in Pastoral Security) It is a sobering, even shocking revelation. One that must be addressed immediately. Picture it this way. Imagine a gathering of 100 pastors, all...A Pastor of Pastors Remembers His Pastors
October is Pastor appreciation month, a month when we make a special effort as churches and individuals to thank our pastors for their ministry to us as undershepherds of Jesus Christ. "Every Christian's life is meant to be a parable of Jesus. But pastors are particularly suited to this because so much of our lives are spent doing what Jesus did in His life. An adequate definition of pastoral ministry emphasizes following Jesus as the...Fade to Gray: Young Ministers Going Away
I have a friend who started a retirement account many years ago, one of those something-something-Bs. He thought it best to prepare for the future, not only his but that of his children and their children. He wanted to do all he could to set in place a healthy scenario for himself and his family – he wanted to stage them for ongoing success. His investments did very well for a long time, showing a...The Audience of One
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13 FOCUS Have you ever noted how divided our pastoral focus can become? We pay attention to so many things but firmly fix our gaze on only a few, maybe none at all. As a result, it’s off to races, running here and there, taking...He Trains My Hands for War
It was a Sunday I’ll never forget. As a staff pastor, I had just finished leading worship in our morning service. As I did every Sunday, I exited the platform through a door to the right, descending the steps into our office suite. Closing the door behind me, I turned to my right, entering a narrow hallway that circled behind the platform and led to the prayer room. The hallway was dark. I walked the...
By Journey Pastoral Coaching
August 15, 2023
Charnock’s Easter Egg – The Glory of God & Life in the Plural
When God and His glory are made our end, we shall find a silent likeness pass in upon us; the beauty of God will, by degrees, enter upon our soul. Stephen Charnock Stephen Charnock was a 17th-century Puritan pastor and preacher in Ireland and later in London. Many students of God’s Word know Charnock through his influential work, The Existence and Attributes of God. Secular historians have worked hard to defame the Puritans’ doctrine and...Pastors Should Not Be Leaders
Eugene Peterson (best known for “The Message”) in his book titled “Letters to a Young Pastor,” a compilation of letters from him to his son about pastoring, writes that the modern emphasis on leadership in the pastorate is a damaging trend. There are several reasons he believes this is true, chiefly that leadership is mostly about charisma, skills, and techniques. Leadership is about doing and doesn’t naturally flow from being. With politicians, the question is...Pastors, We Need You – Member Blog
EDITOR'S NOTE: In addition to writing, Lydia Jay and her husband pastor Harrison Avenue Assembly of God in Harrison, OH. Along with their four daughters, they live in nearby Cincinnati. To learn more about the Jays and their ministry, click here. On Good Friday of this year (2023), my husband had the opportunity to be a part of a collaboration that was like nothing I’d ever seen. In Harrison, OH, where my husband pastors, there...
By Journey Pastoral Coaching
July 1, 2023
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Ministering to Youth and Children With Trauma – Member Blog
EDITOR’S NOTE: Hannah Horst serves as a US missionary and Orphan Care Chaplain with the Assemblies of God. You and your church can support this vital ministry as Hannah works to mobilize the church in ministering to these children at risk – simply click on the link to learn more or donate to her ministry: Hannah Horst Orphan Care Chaplain. Hannah, husband Brandon, and their four children live in the DC area, serving on the...
By Journey Pastoral Coaching
June 15, 2023
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