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Category Archive for "Blog"
91Nov 15, 2020
For such a time as this? Even in a dark winter? Recently, a national politician spoke of America living in a “dark winter.” He promised Americans that he was born for such a time as this and is able to lead the nation in this dark time. With the seeming death of virtue in America […]
92Oct 30, 2020
INTRODUCTION In part one of this two-part series, The Death of Virtue, we saw that hypocrisy has become impossible in America today, meaningless. By and large, American society has ceased to be virtuous, no longer knows what virtue, and no longer cares. In the absence of virtue, a great void has filled the American soul, […]
93Oct 14, 2020
NOTICE: Sometime in the early 21st Century, virtue was laid to rest in America. After a long and labored illness, and unable to sustain its fight for life, virtue succumbed to the cancer of evil. For decades, doctors had prescribed healthy diet and exercise, but its guardians, the American people, refused treatment, preferring instead that virtue […]
94Aug 15, 2020
The third and final installment in our three-part look at Timeless Truths for 21st Century Ministers. I often tell young ministers that all ministers take their share of ‘hits” in ministry: from being disappointed by others to being fired; from not being taken care of by a church board to being abused by a church; from non-responsive church […]
95Aug 1, 2020
This article is the second of a three-part series on essential truths for 21st Century ministers. You can read the first installment here. World events, church issues and the ministry itself tempt the minister to focus first on the ever urgent and always must-be-done now list. For others, attention and energy are spent one breath at a […]
96Jul 15, 2020
When I entered full-time ministry forty years ago, I wasn’t naïve. But I was idealistic. In our twenties, most ministers are. I believed in the goodness and sovereignty of God, the truth and promises of His Word, the salvation and power of the Gospel, the beauty of the church, the privilege of serving in ministry. […]
97Jul 1, 2020
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of the local church in Wittenberg, Germany, 95 reforms he believed necessary to revitalize the universal church and restore Jesus to His rightful place as Savior and Lord in church doctrine and life. In effect, Luther grabbed the church by the throat & […]
98Jun 15, 2020
Culture is imploding, collapsing in upon itself. Denying all absolutes and objective truth, culture is now without safeguards, consuming itself in a death spiral of spiritual and moral chaos. In his outstanding essay, “The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World,” David Wells writes: “The evangelical church has a sense that moral absolutes are evaporating […]
99May 31, 2020
It is hard to have patience with people who say, “There is no death” or “Death doesn’t matter.” There is death. And whatever is, matters. And whatever happens has consequences, and it and they are irrevocable and irreversible. You might as well say that birth doesn’t matter. C.S. Lewis The simple wooden casket was set on […]
100May 15, 2020
Some silver lining on this dark cloud called COVID-19. A long-standing prayer of mine may be in the process of being answered: the return of Psalm 23 pastors to the church of Jesus. Call them “undershepherds” of the Great Good Shepherd of John 10. TECHNIQUE-BASED PASTORS: Members of Journey Pastoral Coaching know that I am no […]
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