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Category Archive for "Blog"
171Jan 25, 2017
Editor’s Note: Are you a bi-vocational minister? In his most recent letter to ministers, Assemblies of God General Superintendent George Wood said that 38% of AG ministers fit this description. A question: are you a BVM because you have no choice or because it is your choice? Journey Member, Pastor Chase Replogle of Ozark, […]
172Jan 1, 2017
In 2016, Journey published 32 blogs, one every two weeks of the year, plus a few extras thrown in for good measure. While most of our writing focused on the pastoral coaching issues, we also looked at the nature of God, the church, great books, and, this past summer, even our favorite European vacation spots […]
173Dec 14, 2016
I am a pastoral coach: I have the joy of pastoring pastors every day. Millennial pastors primarily. Pastors across America and in foreign nations. Pastors of all kinds: lead pastors, church planters, staff pastors, special needs pastors, missionary pastors, and even a couple of pastors-of-pastors. I love what I am called to do with my […]
174Dec 7, 2016
Every minister breathes silent prayers at Christmas. He lifts “wishes” to heaven. In quiet moments of reflection he reaches into his heart and draws out the dreams he would dream if only he believed they really could come true. Here is such a list of dreams. Prayers. Christmas wishes. Each and every one of them […]
175Dec 1, 2016
In 2016 we read many good books, a few great books, and a couple of “why was this ever published” books (no, you won’t find books of the last category in this list). Overall, it was a great reading year with many happy hours invested in my study or outside on the deck with the […]
176Nov 15, 2016
God of Heaven, What do I have that I did not receive from you? (I Corinthians 4.7) Because you are the giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1.17) and because you are good, I give you thanks; truly your lovingkindness to me and to all people is everlasting (Psalm 118.1). The 16th Century […]
177Oct 31, 2016
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of the local church in Wittenberg, Germany, 95 reforms he believed necessary to revitalize the universal church and restore Jesus to His rightful place as Savior and Lord in church doctrine and life. In effect, Luther grabbed the church by the throat & […]
178Oct 18, 2016
Life & Death Culture is imploding, collapsing in upon itself. Denying absolutes and objective truth, culture is now without safeguards, consuming itself in a death spiral of spiritual and moral chaos. In his outstanding essay, “The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World,” David Wells writes: “The evangelical church has a sense that moral absolutes […]
179Sep 16, 2016
Leading businesses have known for years that one of the keys to growth is a retained and trained leadership team. Fortune 500 companies invest heavily in their young leaders, knowing that the investment will reap rewards over and over again, not only in the business, but in the employee. Coaching is a key component of […]
180Aug 31, 2016
Several years ago, the magazine, “Inc.” published an article that began like this: “… Businesses tend to spend so much of their time and money acquiring new customers that they often overlook their best source of growth: retaining and growing their existing customer base.” Interesting! The best source of growth for a company is not […]
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