Les Pensées Archives
Category Archive for "Call"
41Mar 16, 2017
THE FAILURE TO THRIVE In their book, “Among Friends,” James Hinkle and Tim Woodroof cite a 1945 study conducted by social scientist, René Spitz. The study tracked the development of 88 healthy children (1 to 2 ½ years of age) who had recently been separated from their families and institutionalized in a group home. When […]
42Jan 25, 2017
Editor’s Note: Are you a bi-vocational minister? In his most recent letter to ministers, Assemblies of God General Superintendent George Wood said that 38% of AG ministers fit this description. A question: are you a BVM because you have no choice or because it is your choice? Journey Member, Pastor Chase Replogle of Ozark, […]
43Jan 1, 2017
In 2016, Journey published 32 blogs, one every two weeks of the year, plus a few extras thrown in for good measure. While most of our writing focused on the pastoral coaching issues, we also looked at the nature of God, the church, great books, and, this past summer, even our favorite European vacation spots […]
44Sep 16, 2016
Leading businesses have known for years that one of the keys to growth is a retained and trained leadership team. Fortune 500 companies invest heavily in their young leaders, knowing that the investment will reap rewards over and over again, not only in the business, but in the employee. Coaching is a key component of […]
45Jul 2, 2016
Esther was an orphan. She had never known her homeland, only life in exile. Her nation had been conquered and its people carried off. She lived as a third-culture citizen: she was from neither here nor from there. Officially, she and her people were free to return home, but life in a foreign land was […]
46Jun 15, 2016
Years ago pastors were expected to handle FIVE primary tasks, but studies today reveal that the number has swelled to SIXTEEN. This increase in primary responsibilities has at least TEN effects on pastors and churches: 1. The sheer number of tasks means the pastor does each task with less excellence and effectiveness; 50% of pastors […]
47Mar 17, 2016
Is your leadership at a standstill? Has the mission been lost in the myriad needs of ministry? Here’s an energy prescription for your leadership and for helping your church or ministry rediscover its mission – an Rx that will enable you to stand strong as a leader for a lifetime of healthy and effective ministry. […]
48Mar 2, 2016
I recently met with a colleague and our conversation covered the usuals: where we are now, what we are doing in ministry and how it’s all going. He was intrigued to hear that I am a full-time pastoral coach and that I focus on Millennial ministers. The idea was completely foreign to him. “We didn’t […]
49Feb 15, 2016
A plague of post-modernism is sucking the breath out of the Great Commission in our day. And so, it is sucking the life out of the church of Jesus Christ. What was once the sacred and inviolable command of Jesus to be obeyed at all costs is now subject to the the throne of personal […]
50Jan 13, 2016
Note: This is the final installment in our series on trusting leadership to Millennials. The reader is encourage to read the introductory post before reading what follows below. 7. David does not claim the victory. He gives the glory to God and honors those who formed him – I Samuel 17.45-47,57-58 David. Sling. One […]
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