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11Jan 15, 2023
SOME BACKGROUND Every January, Journey kicks off the year with retreats for our members, held in the warm climate of Orlando. Members arrive from all over the country for one of our two retreat weeks. Those who cannot afford the cost of transportation are scholarshipped by generous donors – how thankful we are for their […]
12Jan 2, 2023
A new year. With the dawning of a new year, we are prone to make New Year’s resolutions designed to improve us or our lives in the year ahead, or maybe even for the rest of our lives. Among the more common are: reading our Bible and praying daily, exercising, and losing weight. But, unfortunately, […]
13Oct 15, 2022
Recently, someone asked me, “You’re a pastor, and you work with pastors, so tell me, where have all the pastors gone?” This person was not referring to pastors who have walked away from ministry but those who serve in pastoral positions but are not pastors in heart – they do not have a pastoral heartbeat. […]
14Jul 15, 2022
(EDITOR’S NOTE: During Journey Pastoral Coaching’s 2022 summer break, we’re reposting this article from 2017, a look at five lessons your professors in Bible College or seminary couldn’t teach you – and through no fault of theirs: these are lessons learned only in the trenches of pastoring God’s people. We’ll soon follow up this article […]
15Oct 15, 2021
This is the second of a two-part October series. October is Pastor Appreciation Month, so it seems fitting to celebrate all of the quality ministers who make up this coaching community and make it what it is: the mutual investment ministry that is Journey Pastoral Coaching. Journey Pastoral Coaching is a missional community. We are […]
16Sep 15, 2021
Twice a year at Journey Pastoral Coaching, we leave our usual individual call format to convene small group conversations on subjects of significance for ministers. At the beginning of this year, we reflected on the life and death of third-century martyr Perpetua, asking ourselves what her sacrifice, and the sacrifice of tens of thousands of […]
17Oct 30, 2020
INTRODUCTION In part one of this two-part series, The Death of Virtue, we saw that hypocrisy has become impossible in America today, meaningless. By and large, American society has ceased to be virtuous, no longer knows what virtue, and no longer cares. In the absence of virtue, a great void has filled the American soul, […]
18Oct 14, 2020
NOTICE: Sometime in the early 21st Century, virtue was laid to rest in America. After a long and labored illness, and unable to sustain its fight for life, virtue succumbed to the cancer of evil. For decades, doctors had prescribed healthy diet and exercise, but its guardians, the American people, refused treatment, preferring instead that virtue […]
19Oct 1, 2020
While attending university the first time, I worked as a customer service representative for one of the country’s best-known package delivery services. My duties included not only working with the public, but with fellow employees who loaded our center’s delivery trucks for the day’s deliveries. Even before dawn, it was a lively workplace. Several of […]
20Aug 15, 2020
The third and final installment in our three-part look at Timeless Truths for 21st Century Ministers. I often tell young ministers that all ministers take their share of ‘hits” in ministry: from being disappointed by others to being fired; from not being taken care of by a church board to being abused by a church; from non-responsive church […]
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