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21Aug 1, 2020
This article is the second of a three-part series on essential truths for 21st Century ministers. You can read the first installment here. World events, church issues and the ministry itself tempt the minister to focus first on the ever urgent and always must-be-done now list. For others, attention and energy are spent one breath at a […]
22Jul 15, 2020
When I entered full-time ministry forty years ago, I wasn’t naïve. But I was idealistic. In our twenties, most ministers are. I believed in the goodness and sovereignty of God, the truth and promises of His Word, the salvation and power of the Gospel, the beauty of the church, the privilege of serving in ministry. […]
23May 15, 2020
Some silver lining on this dark cloud called COVID-19. A long-standing prayer of mine may be in the process of being answered: the return of Psalm 23 pastors to the church of Jesus. Call them “undershepherds” of the Great Good Shepherd of John 10. TECHNIQUE-BASED PASTORS: Members of Journey Pastoral Coaching know that I am no […]
24May 3, 2020
QUESTION 3: Will this lead to more pastoral care among people who are suffering? In the business model church in the 20th-Century, shepherds morphed into CEOs, talking vision statements, 5-year plans, numbers, and programs. Pastors came to see their primary role as that of business leader and vision-caster. With the advent of the digital age, […]
25Oct 1, 2019
INTRODUCTION TO THE SURVEY Recently we asked U40ministers to name the individuals who have been the most positive influencers in their life. We asked them two questions: 1. “Who has had the most positive influence on your life? (Excluding wife or husband). 2. “In one or two sentences, how did this person so positively influence you?” Journey […]
26Apr 1, 2019
In 1729, while a student at Oxford University, the humble but history-making pastor and preacher, John Wesley, started a discipleship group with his brother Charles. (Note: Charles went on to become the prolific hymn writer in history, writing almost 9000 hymns. Among them are “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,” “And Can It Be,” “O for a […]
27Mar 15, 2019
One of my favorite movies is the 2001 classic, “Cast Away,” starring Tom Hanks. Who wouldn’t love a movie where the best friend (or pastoral coach) is a volleyball named Wilson, right? Hanks plays Chuck Noland, a high-energy, driven, FedEx systems engineer who loves traveling the FedEx world and fixing it – it’s not just […]
28Sep 30, 2018
A “Chance” Meeting Several years ago, my wife and I had the opportunity to visit San Diego, California. We loved our time there, discovering that its reputation as one of America’s most beautiful cities is well deserved. One day we went downtown to see the city on foot, a custom we came to appreciate during […]
29Jun 2, 2018
I was privileged to serve five years as Campus Pastor at the national Bible College of my denomination. It was a wonderful season of life and ministry, walking with the most incredible people I have ever known – administrators, faculty, staff, and students. My colleagues remain cherished friends to this day. And those life-changing students: […]
30Sep 17, 2017
We live in Central Florida. We’re still cleaning up and putting our lives back in order following the visit this past week of Hurricane Irma. You wouldn’t believe the things Irma damaged and destroyed. A hurricane has a way of reinforcing life’s important lessons, and believe me, she (in this case) can be a very […]
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