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Home BlogLeadership (Page 5)
41Jul 12, 2018
INTRODUCTION At Journey Pastoral Coaching our mission is helping young ministers build strong for a lifetime of healthy and effective ministry. One of our tools in this mission is research, research that takes place in three primary ways: asking experienced ministers to give us the benefit of their experience in ministry; posing a monthly Insight […]
42May 16, 2018
In a recent Journey blog post, we addressed the question, “Which young ministers get the most from walking with a pastoral coach?” Based on our years in coaching, as well as the expertise of other pastoral coaches, we were able to identify twelve qualities that mark the young minister who thrives as he or she […]
43Aug 17, 2017
Recently, I heard someone say that Christian leaders often “appear out of nowhere.” Like a magician waving a wand, repeating the magic word, “abracadabra,” and pulling rabbits out of a hat, God pulls Christian leaders out of the air, magically equips them, and then places them. The speaker’s point of reference was Joshua and his […]
44Jul 1, 2017
Over the past year, my email inbox has included far too many articles with headlines like these: Epidemic: Another Pastor Burned Out and Quit Last Sunday Pastoral Stress and Burnout Why Pastors Walk Away The Secret Pain of Pastors I could go on and on. We can debate the numbers, but it’s not the numbers […]
45May 30, 2017
I was privileged to formally study for the ministry in two schools: a Bible College and a seminary. Both of these schools gave me a quality education for life in ministry, specifically, pastoral ministry. Given the opportunity to go back and attend or not attend each one, I most certainly would choose to do so […]
46May 13, 2017
Over the past year, I’ve had far more, shall we say, “conversations” with health professionals than I would like. I’ve had more examinations, tests, blood work, etc than I ever thought possible. Doctors have worked hard for my health, not only endeavoring to find and fix my problems, but to help me build well and […]
47Mar 16, 2017
THE FAILURE TO THRIVE In their book, “Among Friends,” James Hinkle and Tim Woodroof cite a 1945 study conducted by social scientist, René Spitz. The study tracked the development of 88 healthy children (1 to 2 ½ years of age) who had recently been separated from their families and institutionalized in a group home. When […]
48Jan 25, 2017
Editor’s Note: Are you a bi-vocational minister? In his most recent letter to ministers, Assemblies of God General Superintendent George Wood said that 38% of AG ministers fit this description. A question: are you a BVM because you have no choice or because it is your choice? Journey Member, Pastor Chase Replogle of Ozark, […]
49Jan 1, 2017
In 2016, Journey published 32 blogs, one every two weeks of the year, plus a few extras thrown in for good measure. While most of our writing focused on the pastoral coaching issues, we also looked at the nature of God, the church, great books, and, this past summer, even our favorite European vacation spots […]
50Dec 14, 2016
I am a pastoral coach: I have the joy of pastoring pastors every day. Millennial pastors primarily. Pastors across America and in foreign nations. Pastors of all kinds: lead pastors, church planters, staff pastors, special needs pastors, missionary pastors, and even a couple of pastors-of-pastors. I love what I am called to do with my […]
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