Les Pensées Archives
Category Archive for "Pastor"
51Mar 14, 2021
In the TV series, The Mandalorian, the title character and those of his kind are readily identified not only by their distinctive armor of protection but by the way they live. Some would identify their way of life as a set of rules or a code. But these words are insufficient in that they define […]
52Jan 12, 2021
During December, Journey asked pastors, their spouses, and ministers who work directly with pastors to reflect and project: reflect on the health and strength of the church and pastors in 2020; project the health and strength of each in 2021. We asked respondents to consider the American Evangelical church as a whole rather than their […]
53Jan 1, 2021
INTRODUCTION During December, Journey asked pastors, their spouses, and ministers who work with pastors to reflect and project: reflect on the health and strength of the church and pastors in 2020; project the health and strength of each in 2021. We asked respondents to consider the American Evangelical church as a whole rather than their […]
54Dec 1, 2020
I am a pastoral coach. I have the joy of pastoring young pastors every day, all day, pastors of all kinds: lead pastors, church planters, staff pastors, missionary pastors, and even pastors-of-pastors. I love what I am called to do with my life because I love pastors and I love and greatly respect every one […]
55Aug 15, 2020
The third and final installment in our three-part look at Timeless Truths for 21st Century Ministers. I often tell young ministers that all ministers take their share of ‘hits” in ministry: from being disappointed by others to being fired; from not being taken care of by a church board to being abused by a church; from non-responsive church […]
56Aug 1, 2020
This article is the second of a three-part series on essential truths for 21st Century ministers. You can read the first installment here. World events, church issues and the ministry itself tempt the minister to focus first on the ever urgent and always must-be-done now list. For others, attention and energy are spent one breath at a […]
57Jul 15, 2020
When I entered full-time ministry forty years ago, I wasn’t naïve. But I was idealistic. In our twenties, most ministers are. I believed in the goodness and sovereignty of God, the truth and promises of His Word, the salvation and power of the Gospel, the beauty of the church, the privilege of serving in ministry. […]
58May 31, 2020
It is hard to have patience with people who say, “There is no death” or “Death doesn’t matter.” There is death. And whatever is, matters. And whatever happens has consequences, and it and they are irrevocable and irreversible. You might as well say that birth doesn’t matter. C.S. Lewis The simple wooden casket was set on […]
59May 15, 2020
Some silver lining on this dark cloud called COVID-19. A long-standing prayer of mine may be in the process of being answered: the return of Psalm 23 pastors to the church of Jesus. Call them “undershepherds” of the Great Good Shepherd of John 10. TECHNIQUE-BASED PASTORS: Members of Journey Pastoral Coaching know that I am no […]
60May 7, 2020
QUESTION 7: JOURNEY’S PASTORS OFFER THEIR THOUGHTS With the national conversation shifting to the question of ending the quarantine, pastors find their burden not lifted, but shifted as well. And deepened. As they shepherd their people in quarantine, they are asking how they will Psalm 23-shepherd through the transition back to normal. They are asking […]
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