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Category Archive for "Practical Ministry"
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Oct 15, 2024
Josiah Smith, an Associate Lead Pastor, discusses the critical link between worldview and mental health, emphasizing the prevalence of anxiety and depression among Americans. He argues that a biblical worldview can significantly mitigate these issues, encouraging individuals to seek God’s kingdom for a fulfilling purpose and meaningful life.
Aug 1, 2024
Editor’s Note: Journey Pastoral Coaching is celebrating its 10th year of helping young ministers build strong for a lifetime of healthy and effective ministry. We thank God for His faithfulness. We invite you or your church to partner with us prayerfully and financially as continue to pastor young pastors across the country and overseas. You can […]
Dec 1, 2023
As we turn the final pages of 2023, I again offer my list of favorite reads for the year. As always, this is not a list of my favorite books published in 2023, but books read in 2023. If a book is on my “Best Of” list, I recommend you give it a read in 2024. Of interest, the publishing […]
Jun 15, 2023
EDITOR’S NOTE: Hannah Horst serves as a US missionary and Orphan Care Chaplain with the Assemblies of God. You and your church can support this vital ministry as Hannah works to mobilize the church in ministering to these children at risk – simply click on the link to learn more or donate to her ministry: […]
Apr 14, 2023
Before our many years in the French-speaking region of Belgium, my wife, two daughters, and I were privileged to serve as missionaries in France for two years. By design, our first year was invested in learning French language and culture and making relationships. At the time, a new theory had sprung up among some that […]
Dec 1, 2022
When we were children, we thoughtfully prepared our Christmas wish lists, some of us even forming them throughout the year. We would ready them to our parents, telling them, “If I could just have these, I wouldn’t ever ask for anything again.” We thought the things that had meaning for us at eight years of […]
Nov 1, 2022
Late this summer, we asked young ministers to answer two questions: Question 1: What is the greatest joy, in general, you have in vocational ministry? Question 2: From your experience, what is the most difficult part of vocational ministry? Here’s how they responded. QUESTION #1: What is the greatest joy, in general, you have in […]
Sep 1, 2022
Every month at Journey Pastoral Coaching, we ask our members to answer our monthly Insight Question. It’s an invaluable resource for me as the Lead Coach at Journey as members, in effect, coach me, helping me understand their world and their insights on the church and world. It’s also one way our members pay to […]
Sep 1, 2022
Thank you for clicking to read the Part Two of our “This One Thing You Must Do” article: an unpacking of the counsel Journey members would give to those just entering vocational ministry. Once again. . . The Scenario: There is a young man or woman in your circle of influence who is about to […]
May 15, 2022
As a full-time pastoral coach, I spend my weeks on the phone, talking with members of Journey Pastoral Coaching across the country. It is both a full and fulfilling ministry. I thank God for what I am privileged to do with my life. To raise the financial support needed to sustain this ministry, I also […]
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