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Home BlogRelationships (Page 6)
51Feb 3, 2017
At Journey Pastoral Coaching, we help young ministers build for a lifetime of healthy and effective ministry. We do so by focusing on the individual him or herself. The doing of ministry flows from the being of the minister, the two are inescapably one. What the minister gives of God to others flows from what […]
52May 30, 2016
What is a society without a heroic dimension? Jean Baudrillard Happy Memorial Day. Today we remember – and we honor – the sacrifices of our soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, and guardsmen, sacrifices made to keep us free and to free the victims of tyranny around the world. I can’t think of this day without thinking of my […]
53May 15, 2016
In my most recent blog on the subject of pastoral staffs, I listed 10 things that staff pastors hope to receive from their lead pastors. To read the full piece, click here, but those ten “treasures” are: 1. Be a pastor who leads, not a leader who pastors. 2. Respect: See me not […]
54May 3, 2016
Based on our conversations and research with pastors across America, here’s what staff pastors of all stripes say they need from their lead pastors. Pastor, why not bookmark this blog on your phone and then plan to take each staff member out for coffee and a conversation that will not only build a world class […]
55Apr 1, 2016
All people are, by nature spiritual and relational: at our core, we are vertical (built to connect with God) and horizontal (built to connect with people). These realities are beautifully depicted by the vertical and horizontal beams of the Cross, and by Jesus’ definition of the two greatest commandments: to love God with all our […]
56Mar 2, 2016
I recently met with a colleague and our conversation covered the usuals: where we are now, what we are doing in ministry and how it’s all going. He was intrigued to hear that I am a full-time pastoral coach and that I focus on Millennial ministers. The idea was completely foreign to him. “We didn’t […]
57Jan 13, 2016
Note: This is the final installment in our series on trusting leadership to Millennials. The reader is encourage to read the introductory post before reading what follows below. 7. David does not claim the victory. He gives the glory to God and honors those who formed him – I Samuel 17.45-47,57-58 David. Sling. One […]
58Jan 4, 2016
As a boy, I played Little League baseball (and dreamed of playing in the Majors). One year, our team had a player whose dad was also our manager. David was a first year player, so he didn’t play a lot and he let the world know he wasn’t happy about it. He would pout, stomp […]
59Dec 3, 2015
I Corinthians 13 is often called “The Love Chapter.” That may be, but it is also the “How to Kill Something You Love Chapter,” and as such, is filled with great helps on how to do just that. And, as always, the Bible is not only spiritual and devotional and touchy-feely feel good, but it […]
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