Between 2008 and 2013, I was privileged to serve as Campus Pastor at Central Bible College, the national Bible College of the Assemblies of God, a school dedicated to “the training of ministers and missionaries.” During these five years I developed strong personal and mentoring relationships with many students, relationships that continued as those students graduated and stepped into full-time vocational ministry.
Serving in their first and second positions, many young ministers contacted my wife and I for prayer and counsel. Some requested ongoing regular coaching. Just as I had been impressed with the U40 generation’s desire for mentorship and coaching while they were students, I was impressed with their desire for ongoing counsel as they took their places in leading the body of Christ.
Over time, both the great need and the exciting prospect became evident. Seizing the opportunity to greatly expand the number of young, cutting-edge ministers whom we could assist, we launched Journey at the end of 2014.
Journey’s focus is the U40 minister (under 40 years of age) – the pastor, church planter, missionary, evangelist, and teacher, counselor, pastoral coach, and marketplace minister.
Millennial ministers are unique in that they are not only open to mentorship and coaching, but they actively seek it. Millennials have told us many times over the years that they covet the wisdom of more experienced ministers, and that their intention is to build on and continue their work When the wisdom of experience meets the energy and innovation of Millennials, great visions become realities, great missions are accomplished – all and always under the leading of God’s Spirit. It is our joy and privilege at Journey to partner with this generation of ministers. Our reason for being is to stand behind and support them as they lead the church and its ministries.
Journey’s philosophy is summed up in a single phrase: build the minister and you build the ministry. Where other quality coaching ministries focus on church growth or leadership development, Journey focuses on the person who leads the church: we help the young minister grow his or her person in their present place and position. And yes, Journey does work with a great group of young women in ministry.
Young ministers most desire and most need pastoral coaching, but at the same time, they are usually least able to afford it: first ministry positions typically do not pay well, U40 ministers carry high college and seminary debt, they are recently married and raising young families.
Because all of this is true, Journey offers coaching to its members at no cost to them personally. Our members do not PAY for coaching. They EARN it in the ways described above under “Mission.”
To make “NO COST” coaching possible we pray for and depend on Journey Partners, individuals and churches who financially and prayerfully partner Journey with monthly support or one-time donations.
Journey Partners multiply eternal investment through young ministers who serve new church plants, established churches, missionary endeavors, seminaries, drug rehabilitation centers, and regional ministries.
To support the ministry of Journey, click on the Donate button. Your one-time gift or your regular, ongoing support will help build Millennial ministers for a lifetime of healthy and effective ministry.
Journey is a Limited Liability Company registered in the state of Florida.
Most of our coaching takes place by telephone. Journey works with each member to establish a set, regular bi-weekly appointment. At the appointed hour, the member calls the Journey office for his or her confidential coaching session. Additional special phone appointments are always available to our members.
We also work hard to resource and connect our members through our website, our private social media platform, Google Hang Outs on special topics (ministry, retirements, etc), and even face-to-face individual contacts when possible.
Absolutely! We’ve spent most of our life traveling in ministry, primarily in America and in Europe. Having served in pastoral ministry, missions, evangelism, leadership development, college campus ministry and pastoral coaching, we have preached in hundreds of churches, conventions, and other circles of all kinds, and so, are always prepared to minister on a broad range of topics.
Contact Journey for more information or to schedule us.
Current Journey members serve as lead pastors, staff pastors of all kinds, church planters, world missionaries, Teen Challenge staff, Christian counselors, teachers, college campus pastors, writers, a state missions leader, and as pastoral coaches.
Along with my wife, Tricia, I have been privileged to serve in the positions of lead and staff pastor in the US and in Europe for many years. As missionaries to France and Belgium we worked in evangelism, leadership development, international church pastoral ministry and we planted a French language church. For five years we were honored to serve on the faculty and as Campus Pastor at Central Bible College, at that time the national Bible College of the Assemblies of God. These roles have led to ministry in literally hundreds of local churches, conferences, seminars, Bible Colleges, and retreats across America and Europe, as well as walking with hundreds of pastors.
I have a Bachelor of Science in Business (Major: Economics) from Miami University (Oxford, OH) and a Master of Arts in Biblical Literature from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (Springfield, MO). I have also attended Southeastern Bible College (Lakeland, FL) and L’Institut de Touraine (Tours, France). Having served on the administration and faculty of Central Bible College (Springfield, MO), I am honored to count myself a CBC alum as well.