Gratitude: The Heart’s First Response to God
Many of us – children and children at heart – write Christmas Wish Lists. And why not! People are giving gifts, so why not “wish” for the gift or gifts we’d like to see under our tree. Or the gift we’d like to see under the tree for our spouse, children, grandchildren, parents, or friends.
Even more, why not also write Thanksgiving Blessing Lists? God and others continually bless us, so why not say “thank you” for the many blessings we enjoy?
Here’s my abbreviated list for 2023 (The complete list would fill my computer’s hard drive).
God’s grace.
There you go. Complete. Finished. Nothing more needs to be said. Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Lights; every blessing I enjoy in life is a gift from His heart and hand, a gift I have not earned and most certainly do not deserve. So, the next time I feel sorry for myself for not having ________, may God remind me of this first of all lessons: God has been infinitely gracious to me.
But let’s open that package of grace just a bit, especially in the areas of life that most consume me: my spiritual life, family, and ministry.
The Word of God – inspired, inerrant, and infallible, it teaches, rebukes, corrects, and trains me in righteousness.
Prayer – God’s relational lifeline where I make my needs known and myself His, where He makes His presence known to me.
My mentors and peers – Past and present. Here in America and in Europe. Two of them since the seventh grade. Another for more than four decades. Several for more than three decades. Several others for almost a decade. These have enriched my life in Christ beyond what I even understand. Let me add a special shout-out to The Montpelier Seven.
My mentors in print – From Os Guinness to Dietrich Bonhoeffer, C.S. Lewis to Elisabeth Elliot, and so many others, God has used them to form me.
A wife – my girlfriend and bride – of 43 years this month, the other part of me with whom I am truly one flesh (Genesis 2.24). How did I do life without her? I don’t remember and don’t want to find out.
Two beautiful and intelligent daughters who serve God with all their hearts. They have made this earthly father more proud than I can ever express. It is my joy to know them not only as my “little girls” but as strong women and friends.
Five wonderful granddaughters, each a treasure in herself; collectively, enough energy and life to light up the world and continually warm a grandfather’s heart – and a new grandchild coming in 2024!
The family I was born into, raised by and raised with. From the loving and wise parents who sacrificed for me to the siblings who endured me to the grandparents who were so richly a part of my life to the aunts, uncles, and cousins who I never saw as “extended,” but just family. The family I married into, rich in love and deep in living Christian heritage.
Friends. First, the friends I’ve had since 7th grade – they helped lead me to Christ in my youth, and they continue to feed my soul today. The friends God has given me along the way – friends made living in three countries and the friends I walk with closely today. They have all enriched my life profoundly.
Forty-three years in vocational ministry: fourteen years pastoring churches in the US; twenty years in missionary service (fifteen years in France and Belgium, five years serving on the faculty and as campus pastor at the national Bible College of my denomination); and now almost a decade as a pastoral coach.
This calling to be an undershepherd of Jesus. Not just “a pastor” as an office or position, but someone’s pastor as a relationship. To provide for them and protect them. To live in their provision and protection and in their grace.
The joy of doing every day what I am privileged to do with my life today. Officially, I pastor young ministers. Personally, I share their journey, and they share mine on this Emmaus Road of life in ministry. Ours is a mutual exchange of God’s wisdom, encouragement, challenge, comfort, and life.
Journey’s financial partners – the individuals who sacrifice, and the churches – the churches pastored by Journey members and those not pastored by Journey members – who make it possible for us to offer pastoral coaching to our members at no financial cost.
Did you know that every child of God is a “charis”matic? It’s true. As John Stott wrote:
It is not by accident that in Greek one at the same noun (charis) does duty both for both grace and gratitude.
Grace and gratitude.
I am grateful to God for His grace. Every good and perfect gift I have has been given to me by the Father of Lights. In Him and His promises, there is no shadow of turning or change (James 1.17). Whenever and wherever I have faltered and failed to measure up to His standard, His grace has been constant to me.
And for the life of me, I don’t know why He has blessed me so because I have certainly not deserved it.
In fact, I have often worked against it. But that is the wonder of His grace.
This Thanksgiving 2023, I have so much to be thankful for. I am grateful not only for what I am blessed with but even more, I am thankful for Who has blessed me so abundantly. May I live every day throughout the year in heartfelt thanks to God, for truly, from Him, all blessings do flow.
With this in mind, it’s your turn: what are you thankful for this Thanksgiving season? And to whom are you thankful?
NOTE: Journey Pastoral Coaching exists to provide pastoral coaching to Millennial ministers.
Saddled with large student debt, just beginning to set up homes and start families, and serving in low paying first and second positions, Millennials are those who most desire but can least afford to pay for pastoral coaching.
We are able to do so thanks to the faithful and generous support of individuals and churches like yours who want to see young leaders not only enter the ministry, but remain in the ministry.
Now, more than ever, we need your help.
If you or your church would like to help Millennial ministers across the US and overseas build strong for a lifetime in ministry, please click here to support Journey monthly or with your one-time gift. Thank you.
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“Of all vocations, surely the gospel ministry is the one whose paradigm is most radically formed by the dynamics of godly mentorship.”
Stephen Baldwin