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Build the Minister, Build the Ministry
Journey Pastoral Coaching exists to strengthen young ministers for a lifetime of ministry. Focusing on character and personal growth in Christ, Journey is founded on the principle that as we build the minister, we build the ministry, and we do so for a lifetime of healthy and effective service.
Essentially, Journey pastors the pastor. An experienced minister joins the journey of a young minister, encouraging, challenging, and calling him forward in the creation and call of God.
The Challenge Facing the Young Minister
The need and opportunity for pastoral coaching are greatest among younger ministers, especially as they pastor in these most challenging and unique times. How important it is for young ministers to find ears that hear, hearts that understand, minds that can help them discover and make decisions they can own, and voices of experience – wise guides who can walk along side them in their journey.
However, during the early years of ministry, pastors lack the financial resources necessary to hire a pastoral coach. School debt, just starting out in life, entry level salaries and other issues limit the young minister’s ability to employ a pastoral coach. In other words, those who most need coaching can least afford it.
Together, We Can Make A Difference
Therefore, Journey focuses on walking with young ministers – and importantly – doing so at no cost to them. Our members do not PAY for coaching; they EARN it by investing in their fellow Journey members. We depend instead on the financial support of individuals and churches who believe in our mission of strengthening young ministers for a lifetime of ministry. People like you.
We invite you to become a Journey Partner. Your one-time gift or monthly pledge will help us build the minister, and so, build the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus in America and around the world.
Simply click on the “Donate” icons above to become a Journey Partner. You will then be able to choose to select a “One-Time Gift” or a “Recurring Gift.” Thank you.
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