How Many Young Ministers Are We Willing to Lose?
Two Questions . . .
Studies of the past all too reliably predict that many young ministers of the Gospel gave up this Tuesday, August 1, 2017: They walked away from the ministry. Many of them even walked away from the church itself.
How many more will walk away Wednesday, August 2, 2017, and in the days and years to follow?
Studies of the past also reliably prove that the single most effective action a young minister can take in the present to survive and thrive in vocational ministry is to walk with an experienced minister, a pastoral coach.
Even Jesus, the 12, and the Apostle Paul built young ministers this way. Why? Because God built us this way – our strength-need for mentorship is written in our very DNA.
So, a question: Just how many Millennial ministers are we willing to lose?
Not because they are not called or are not quality, but because we failed to supply them with the one tool proven to most effectively help them make it in the ministry.
Let us carefully consider our answer to this question because when we lose ministers of the Gospel, we lose ministry of the Gospel – in the church and to the world.
A second question: So just how much ministry are we willing to lose?
Lost not because of a lack of opportunity or resources, but because we failed to steward the resources God gave us to lead us in the ministry of the Gospel.
Stewardship for . . .
It is time for the church to steward its most valuable resource, its young leaders – for the future of the leaders of the church and for the church itself.
It is time for us to take whatever action is necessary to see that they have everything they need to lead the people of God in the ministry of the Gospel to America and the world, to this generation and the generations to come, should Jesus delay His return. It is time we understand that agreement is not enough. It is time for action.
Action? What action?
Again, studies say the most effective step a young minister can take to build strong for a lifetime of healthy and effective ministry – to not just survive, but thrive in the ministry – is to walk with someone who has walked where they walk: a pastoral coach.
This is the ministry of Journey Pastoral Coaching. Every day and most evenings we are on the front lines with our members, Millennial ministers in 21 states and 4 nations (even sensitive nations), walking with them as they process life in ministry.
We do it at NO COST to our members who are already saddled with heavy student loan debt payments, serving in entry level positions and just starting families.
And we do it WITHOUT guaranteed financial resources from any organization or denomination.
JPC is an independent ministry that depends 100% on the giving of churches and individuals, not just for its finances, but for its future ministry to young ministers.
Sustainability . . .
At present, Journey is in a fund-raising drive focused on building a sustainable future for this ministry to Millennial ministers.
In this, we ask your help: we are asking God to give us churches and individuals who will partner with us in this ministry and mission.
Would you or your church consider becoming a Journey Partner, joining with JPC in its mission to see Millennial ministers not only survive, but thrive as they lead the church in its God-given mission in the 21st Century?
You can become a Journey Partner in the following ways:
1. Pledge to give regular monthly support;
2. Give a one-time gift;
3. Pray daily for Journey and our members.
Pray for us as we give everything we have to help Millennial ministers build strong for a lifetime of healthy and effective ministry.
To become a Journey Partner or to learn more about its ministry, please feel free to contact us . . .
1. At our website – – and click on the “Become a Partner” button.
2. Or by email at
A Final Thought . . .
How many Millennial ministers will give up and walk away today? This week? This month? This year?
I don’t know.
But history says 5 out of 10 of them will walk away within 5 years of entering the ministry.
To this, Journey Pastoral Coaching says, “Unacceptable, not any more. Not on our watch.” We say it’s time for history to change and a new future become our present reality.
No, pastoral coaching is not a panacea, but it has been proven to be the single most effective action a young minister can take – after a strong spiritual life – to survive and thrive.
Timothy had Paul as his pastoral coach.
Paul had Barnabas as his pastoral coach.
Barnabas had The Twelve as his pastoral coaches.
The Twelve had Jesus.
No, Journey can’t help all Millennial ministers, but we can help the ones within our grasp. And if other pastoral coaching ministries will focus hard on Millennials, imagine the difference we can make.
Our theme at JPC is “Sharing the Journey.” We invite you to do just that: share the journey with us. Not only with us, but with our called, quality, and committed members, AND with the churches and ministries they lead across America and around the world.
In Jesus’ strong name.