Thankful 2016
God of Heaven,
What do I have that I did not receive from you? (I Corinthians 4.7)
Because you are the giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1.17) and because you are good, I give you thanks; truly your lovingkindness to me and to all people is everlasting (Psalm 118.1).
The 16th Century English writer, Izaak Walton wrote, “God has two dwellings; one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart.”
Eternal Editor, Heavenly Father, I desire above all things that the heavenly invade the earthly, that you dwell in this heart of mine. I long to see you and your transcendence in the every day, your heavenly shimmering in every season of this life on earth.
And so, I give you thanks.
I give you thanks for . . .
. . . The simple pleasures of life, the every day joys, far too many to name.
. . . Eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to touch, and feet to carry me. #amazing
I give you thanks for . . .
. . . Safety during the recent hurricane. (With the request that we not have to do that again!)
. . . Safety in all things during this past year. #myShieldandDefender
I give you thanks for . . .
. . . My family: Those who are in my life today and all of the grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc of this tight knit family who, from my birth, have given me so very much.
. . . My wife: The girlfriend I still pursue, the bride whom I possess and who possesses me. #notworthyofher
. . . My two princess-daughters and one tremendous son-in-law. A second son-in-law to come.
. . . The soon-but-not-soon-enough arrival of our precious granddaughter. Our first #cantwaittoholdher
I give you thanks for . . .
. . . A heritage entrusted to me, and a legacy to leave behind.
. . . Wise mentors who have formed me from the days of my youth.
. . . Patient guides who continue to form me to this very day. #circleoflife
I give you thanks for . . .
. . . Wonderful friends all around the world and friends next door.
. . . Old friends and new friends, friends faithful and true.
. . . Friends from long ago who have recently come back into my life. #livingtreasures
I give you thanks for . . .
. . . Calling me into the ministry of the Gospel (I Timothy 1.12)
. . . 36 years of faithfulness to me in ministry. #everaheadofmebehindmebesideme
I give you thanks for . . .
. . . The ministry you have entrusted to me: Journey Pastoral Coaching
. . . Journey Partners – those who support Journey financially, making the ministry possible.
. . .Journey members – each and every one of the incredible young servant-leaders with whom I am privileged to walk every day – their character and their call, their commitment and their fire, their depth and their discipleship, their families and their ministries; the joy of journeying with each and every one of them.
. . . The pastors, professors, professionals and national AG leaders who accepted our invitations in 2016 to help Journey put together great resources for our members. #empoweringagenerationofleaders
I give you thanks for . . .
. . . The privilege of pastoring.
. . . The privilege of pastoring pastors.
. . . Every person who lovingly calls me “Pastor.” #stillgivesmegoosebumps
I give you thanks for . . .
. . . Expert and caring medical professionals who have been such a blessing during this most difficult of years, physically and medically.
. . . Divine healing. By Jesus’ stripes . . . #walkingbyfaithandinwisdom
I give you thanks for . . .
. . . My books and the timeless encounters they have given me this year with mentors like Nouwen, Elliot, White, Guinness, Tripp, Charles, Ortiz, Piper, Anyabwile, Gibbs, Leeman, Schaeffer, Stockstill, Floyd, Johnson, Horton, Rose, Metaxas, Collins, Hybels, Köstenberger, Couchman, Anderson, Meyer, Rath, Lewis, and others.
. . . Hands to hold these treasures, eyes to see the text, a mind to comprehend the message, a heart to grow in understanding. #treasuresinprint
I give you thanks for . . .
. . . My guitars and the ministry they are to my soul.
. . . Healthy hands to play the instrument, healthy ears to hear the music, a healthy heart to feel the song. #worship #devotion #discipleship
I give you thanks for . . .
. . . Your faithful provision for all the needs of my family and ministry.
. . . Your faithful direction for the future of my family and ministry.
. . . Your grace when I am not faithful in trusting you and your provision, not faithful in following your direction. #theLordwhoprovidesguidesandabides
I give you thanks for . . .
. . . The Word of God, true and trustworthy.
. . . The Holy Spirit, ever convicting and convincing. #truthonfire
I give you thanks for . . .
. . .Your forgiveness of my sin and your very personal gift of my salvation.
. . . A restored, free, and full relationship with God, my Heavenly Father. #grace #grace #grace
I give you thanks for . . .
. . . Time. For this day. For this moment. #thehourglass
. . . Eternity. For the great “forever-today.” The forever-moment. With God. And with all those who love God, some whom I love but have not yet had the joy of meeting. #forever…forever…forever
Eternal Editor, Heavenly Father, I thank you for loving me even when I am not thankful. #happenstoooften
I thank you for all of your good and perfect gifts in my life.
Thank you, Father, for you.
Journey Pastoral Coaching provides pastoral coaching to Millennial ministers.
Saddled with large student debt, just beginning to set up homes and start families, and serving in low paying first and second positions, Millennials are those who most desire but can least afford to pay for pastoral coaching.
So we offer it to them at no cost.
We are able to do so through the faithful and generous gifts of friends who want to see young leaders not only enter the ministry, but remain in the ministry. If you or your church would like to help Millennial ministers in 21 US states and 5 nations build strong for a lifetime in ministry, please click here to contact us by email or click on the link to support Journey through PayPal.
Thank you.