The Power of Shared Values
Editor’s Note: Journey Pastoral Coaching is celebrating its 10th year of helping young ministers build strong for a lifetime of healthy and effective ministry. We thank God for His faithfulness. We invite you or your church to partner with us prayerfully and financially as continue to pastor young pastors across the country and overseas. You can become a Journey Partner by clicking on the link at the end of this article.
The mission of Journey Pastoral Coaching is to help young ministers build strong for a lifetime of healthy and effective ministry. We carry out this mission by focusing on the being – the soul and character – of the minister as they live life in ministry.
Where many quality coaching ministries focus on leadership development, Journey focuses on leader development. As a leader’s character develops, leadership develops, and disciple-leaders are formed.
Where many quality coaching ministries focus on ministry growth, Journey focuses on minister growth. As we grow the minister, we grow the ministry, and more discipling ministers grow.
This is the mission of Journey.
Values are the core beliefs of an individual or organization. They are the ideals that define who we are and why we do what we do. They are the fuel of the vision and mission.
Think of values as heartbeats: they pump lifeblood into the minister and ministry. If values are weak or diseased, they pump sickness. If they are absent, they pump death. But if values are strong and healthy, they pump life.
How important it is then that ministers and ministries carefully construct, daily consider, and faithfully live out their core values.
As a pastoral coach, I make it a habit to share my personal values with Journey’s members. In our one-on-one coaching calls, group conversations, and annual retreats, I keep the focus on Christ and the core values by which He would have me live. I do this for two primary reasons.
First, I want our members to know what makes my heart beat as I give myself to the Journey mission and to them. Second, I want our ministry members to carefully define their own values and develop strong heartbeats.
In this way, values form a valuable starting point in our ongoing self-examination and journey.
I encourage you to read more about those values by clicking here.
In addition to emphasizing personal values, Journey has community values – heartbeats – that pump lifeblood into our mission and our members. While we encourage every Journey member to carefully craft their own personal ministry values, as a pastoral coaching community, we share heartbeat-values that make our ministry healthy.
Journey is only as strong as our shared and practiced values. But, as each member of Journey exercises these community heartbeats, we pump life-giving oxygen into our fellow members.
And here’s a secret weapon of being a part of a values-based coaching community: as each of us invests in all of Journey, we strengthen ministries across America and worldwide. Wherever our members serve, Journey is there in the encouragement, challenge, comfort, wisdom, and creativity we share with each other. Each member is given the privilege of investing not only in their local ministry but in dozens of ministries across the country – ministry multiplication! All because we share and act on these heartbeat-values.
These are the values we share and live as a ministry.
1. The Bible is the Inspired Word of God, Our Lamp and Light
God has uniquely revealed Himself to humans. His supreme revelation is in the life of Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God (Hebrews 1.2 and John 1.1-14). God has then given us a written revelation of Himself in the Word of God. This revelation is complete and sufficient for living the life God intends for us to live. It is the indispensable guide in our coaching community. It is the imperative rule of our individual and community lives.
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” II Timothy 3.16
At Journey, we value defining our life and practice by the Word of God. This is our heartbeat. This is Journey.
2. The Gospel
Separated from God by our sin – our sinful nature as humans and our individual sins – each of us need a Savior to pay the price for our sins and reconcile us to God. That Savior is the Lord Jesus Christ: He and He alone is the way to eternal life with God. The Gospel is not only something we valued at the day of our salvation, but the good news that animates our life, discipleship, and ministry every day of our lives.
“This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4.11-12
At Journey, we value the redemption God has given us in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. This is our heartbeat. This is Journey.
3. The Creation and Call of Every Believer.
God gave a promise to the prophet Jeremiah that has application in the life of every follower of Jesus Christ, and so, every vocational minister:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1.4-5
Each minister of the Gospel is the idea or dream of God come to life. As His idea, God then designed and formed each one, setting each one apart to vocational ministry. Whatever the ministry, its focus is the fulfillment of the Great Commission, making disciples of all nations.
At Journey, we value each member’s creation and call. This is our heartbeat. This is Journey.
4. Sharing Life in Ministry With a Mentor.
Wisdom is the product of experience understood under the light of God’s Word. Because those who have been in vocational ministry have had more experience, and therefore, more opportunity to grow in wisdom, we value walking with proven godly mentors through regular and frequent conversations for their unique wisdom and encouragement.
“Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?” Job 12.12
At Journey, we value the investment in our lives of those who have walked and ministered longer for God. This is our heartbeat. This is Journey.
5. Sharing Life in Ministry With Peers
Born of the same generation, we share a life perspective and shared experience that unites us. This is true even if our backgrounds or positions of our life lenses are different. The different facets of these shared experiences have much to offer each other.
“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! . . . And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4.9-10
At Journey, we value the investment in our lives from peers who are walking where we walk. This is our heartbeat. This is Journey.
6. Investing in Other Members
The night He was betrayed, Jesus stopped to wash the feet of those whose sins caused His crucifixion. From Day One of His public ministry to His dying breath, He lived to serve. He was never too tired, never too taxed, always ready to serve—for the pleasure of His Father, the good of His disciples, and the multiplication of their ministries to the world.
“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2.4
At Journey, we value investing personally in all the members of our coaching community, those we know well and those we do not know as well. We then value in investing in ministry peers outside of Journey. This is our heartbeat. This is Journey.
7. Resourcing
“You will not see anyone who is truly striving after his spiritual advancement who is not given to spiritual reading.” Athanasius of Alexandria
And you will not see a faith community that is truly striving after its spiritual advancement that is not given to spiritual reading and sharing those resources with others. What a treasure it is to share a good book with a good friend! A good article, library, podcast, conference, seminar, app, etc.
“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Proverbs 11.25
At Journey, we value resources, receiving the recommendations of others and sharing our recommendations. This is our heartbeat. This is Journey.
8. Praise and Thanksgiving.
Our God is the God of truly amazing grace! We have so much for which to be thankful. At Journey, we make it a habit not only to rejoice in our own hearts with our families and churches but also to share the wonderful works of God with our Journey coaching community. We want to maximize the glory of our God and celebrate his goodness together.
“Praise the Lord! I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation.” Psalm 111.1
At Journey, we value worshipping God by sharing His works and wonders in our lives with our fellow Journey members. This is our heartbeat. This is Journey.
9. Prayer
The life of Jesus on earth was one of preaching and teaching. Even more, it was a life of mentoring and discipleship. Still more, it was a life of praise and prayer: Jesus gave Himself to prayer with the Father in special times aside from life’s journey, and in daily conversation with Him in life’s journey. He prayed for His followers, the multitudes, and the world. But first and foremost, He prayed for and with those who shared His journey through life: the Twelve.
As followers of Jesus, we are entrusted with the sacred duty of prayer. We kneel alongside our Great High Priest, interceding for our brothers and sisters in our coaching community, knowing that God uses our prayers to strengthen, support, and work miracles.
“While Peter was in prison, the church prayed very earnestly for him. . . . Suddenly, there was a bright light in the cell, and an angel of the Lord stood before Peter. The angel struck him on the side to awaken him and said, ‘Quick! Get up!’ And the chains fell off his wrists.” Acts 12.5, 7
At Journey, we value praying for one another. We share our needs with each other. When we see a fellow Journey member has shared a prayer need, we respond to assure him or her of our prayers. We pray. This is our heartbeat. This is Journey.
10. Celebration
From the majesty of our God to His new mercies every day, celebration is a heartbeat of our lives. From the salvation of a loved one to a new pastorate to the birth of a child to a degree earned to a book published to a church planted to a pastoral anniversary, we celebrate each other in our coaching community. We share our celebrations, and our brothers and sisters are quick to join their hearts and voices in celebrating with us.
“Yes, you should rejoice, and I will share your joy.” Philippians 2.18
At Journey, we value celebrating each other. We join with our Savior celebrating those with whom we share life’s Emmaus Road. It is a joy to celebrate each other. This is our heartbeat. This is Journey.
I was incredibly blessed to marry into a wonderful family, one that embodies Joshua’s strong declaration:
“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24.15
This was clear to me from day one of meeting them. By the way, I met my future in-laws in the living room of the Indiana District Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, my future mother-in-law’s brother. How’s that for pressure for a young minister? Their delight in serving the Lord wasn’t just in their words and church attendance but in their way of life and values.
They were their heartbeats.
These values were most clearly embodied in the life of my wife’s nuclear family. Theirs was a loving, joyful, faith-filled family where Jesus Christ was worshipped. I didn’t see this as my wife grew up (we met after college). I saw it when Tricia and I became engaged: I was entering a family of godly values that were more than just beliefs.
They were their heartbeats.
But it wasn’t only my wife’s immediate family.
These values are further exemplified by what I call “The Five”: my mother-in-law, her two sisters, and two brothers. I have never seen a large group of siblings so close, so tightly and joyfully knit together. Never. Even as adults, from oldest to youngest, they have always been connected at a deep, soul level. They not only loved each other as brothers and sisters, they liked each other as friends. And they loved showing it.
Even when separated by oceans and deserts, they were deeply involved in each other’s lives, a common heartbeat evident. When one rejoiced, they all rejoiced. When one was honored—or when one of their kids or grandkids was honored—they all rejoiced. When one sorrowed, all sorrowed with them. Always with one heart. I’ve never seen its equal. And I’ve never gotten over the privilege of being adopted into this wonderful family.
The two oldest of the The Five are with the Lord now, enjoying the rewards of His grace and lives of service to Him. But even today, their presence is felt. And yes, missed.
The close kinship of The Five was a living expression of the values that defined each of them individually, their sibling connections, and the families they raised:
faith in and commitment to God;
a love for God’s Word and prayer;
consecration and holiness;
a commitment to ministry and a love for the church of Jesus;
a love for and pride in all the family – the nuclear and extended family;
a joy in being together as family;
hard work and sacrifice;
Just last week, my wife and I were privileged to attend a family wedding, where, once again, we saw these shared values beating strongly in the generation behind ours, two removed from that of The Five. The beautiful young couple made it clear that the torch of The Faith, carried so ardently by The Five, had been successfully handed to and embraced by them. My wife and I held hands as we thanked God for His grace, so evident in our family.
To quote the Psalmist,
“How wonderful and pleasant it is
when brothers live together in harmony!
For harmony is as precious as the anointing oil
that was poured over Aaron’s head,
that ran down his beard
and onto the border of his robe.
Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon
that falls on the mountains of Zion.
And there the Lord has pronounced his blessing,
even life everlasting. Psalm 133
The heartbeats of that unity are its values, its godly values.
Embraced By Each One. Practiced By All.
NOTE: Journey Pastoral Coaching exists to provide pastoral coaching to Millennial ministers.
Saddled with large student debt, just beginning to set up homes and start families, and serving in low paying first and second positions, Millennials are those who most desire but can least afford to pay for pastoral coaching.
We are able to do so thanks to the faithful and generous support of individuals and churches like yours who want to see young leaders not only enter the ministry, but remain in the ministry.
Now, more than ever, we need your help.
If you or your church would like to help Millennial ministers across the US and overseas build strong for a lifetime in ministry, please click here to support Journey monthly or with your one-time gift. Thank you.
We also invite you to click and subscribe to our twice-monthly blogs at
“Of all vocations, surely the gospel ministry is the one whose paradigm is most radically formed by the dynamics of godly mentorship.”
Stephen Baldwin