Hidden Treasures in the Church
Here’s a list of treasures all too rare in the church today, every one of them free for the taking. Or making.
The list is compiled from conversations with younger ministers and church attenders: I asked them and they answered.
It’s a touching and thought-provoking look at someone we love dearly, the body of Christ.
An aesthetic of worship that previous generations fostered
Not a narcissistic experience, but a God-focused worship that makes the glorious beauty of God apparent.
A moment to reflect in a worship service
No music, no speaking; just time to quietly meditate in the presence of God with fellow believers
A table of bread and a cup
A frequent, even weekly, remembering of Christ’s death in our place, a celebration of His resurrection for our justification, and a declaration of His soon return.
An open Bible in the pulpit. Many open Bibles in the hands of the people.
A Psalm 119 pastor and church, hungry for the meat of God’s Word.
A thought-provoking book suggestion by my pastor
One that makes me put it down to think as much as it makes me pick it up to read.
A contemplative pastor
A pastor whose public life speaks of a private life clearly given to thinking and praying deeply about God and life.
A time of prayer, especially pastoral prayer.
Not only to open and close the service, but to experience what it means to be what Jesus called “A house of prayer for all nations.”
A church prayer meeting
A gathering of the people of God solely devoted to praying together like we see in the Book of Acts.
A pastor’s study
Not an office for church business, but a study, a refuge where pastors close themselves in with God for prayer and the study of His Word.
An expository sermon
One that lets God speak for Himself by what He has already said in the Word of God. How good it is to feast on the preaching of the Word of God.
A community of believers
It’s great that we worship together in prayer, song, and sermon, but what a joy it would be to do life as a community of believers, a relational community like we see in the Book of Acts.
A generous church
A tithing and giving church will never know lack but ever live in God’s Luke 6.38 blessing and abundance – that His people might be fed, the Gospel go out to the world, and God be glorified.
A Spirit-led church and worship service
Being a community of believers who evidence a life in the breath and step of the Holy Spirit.
An individual and shared vulnerability that allows God’s grace to be evident
Keeping up our guard, we stand in our own strength. Being authentic about our weaknesses, He is made strong in us.
An altar
A special place to meet with God, to die to sin and self, and be resurrected to walk in newness of life.
An altar call
A special time to make a decision about the God I have just worshipped and the sermon I have just heard
An Anna or a Simeon Mentor
Or many of them. Older saints known among us for their prayer, wisdom, contentment, and joy.
A missional church
A church wholly committed to fulfilling our Lord’s Great Commission to make disciples of all nations, from our altars to the ends of the earth.
Final thoughts go to these heroes of the faith from years past and present:
“I love Christ and I love His church. There it is! My whole confession out at once. I do not love casually. In fact, I think there is no such thing as casual love. So I love the church the only way I can: violently.” Calvin Miller, Life is Mostly Edges: A Memoir
Because Jesus Christ – head and body – are worthy of our love.
“As times get uglier, the church will become brighter and brighter, drawing people to its light.” Rod Dreher, The Benedict Option
Because Christ in His glory will shine more brightly in and through us.
“Christianity means community through Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ. No Christian community is more or less than this.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together
Because the true treasure of the Church is Jesus Christ.
NOTE: Journey Pastoral Coaching exists to provide pastoral coaching to Millennial ministers.
Saddled with large student debt, just beginning to set up homes and start families, and serving in low paying first and second positions, Millennials are those who most desire but can least afford to pay for pastoral coaching.
We are able to do so thanks to the faithful and generous support of individuals and churches like yours who want to see young leaders not only enter the ministry, but remain in the ministry.
Now, more than ever, we need your help.
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